Sections and Lessons

In a Teachable course, content is divided into sections and lessons. This article goes over how to create sections and lessons in your Teachable courses.


On Teachable, any course you create is divided into sections and lessons.

Sections contain groupings of lessons; lessons are structured informational units that comprise of text, files, video, images, quizzes, and other content. Both sections and lessons can be created and modified in your course's Curriculum section.

In general, sections focus on a particular theme or concept. Lessons can be used to break down the theme or concept and explain further. There is no limit to the number of sections and lessons that you can create—it’s up to you to determine the best way to structure your course curriculum.

To access a course's Curriculum tab:

  1. From your Teachable admin area, click Courses and navigate to the desired course.
  2. Click Curriculum from the course admin sidebar to open the Curriculum tab.

TIP: Learn more about how to add content to your lessons.

Create a section

To add a new section to your course:

  1. From the Curriculum tab in your course, click the New Section button at the bottom of the page.
  2. Add a Section Name, then click Save. This will place a new section underneath an existing section.
  3. To add a new section between two existing sections, hover between the section blocks and click the New section button.

To edit a section name, click the More Options icon (i.e., the three dots) next to the section and click the Rename section button.


Create a lesson

To create a new lesson:

  1. From the Curriculum tab in your course, click the New lesson button inside the specific section.
  2. Enter a Lesson Name, then click Save. By default, new lessons are unpublished.

To edit an existing lesson's name, click the More Options icon (i.e., the three dots) next to the lesson and click the Rename lesson button.


To add content to your lesson, click directly on the lesson's name to open the lesson editor page. Learn more about adding content to your lessons.

Copy lesson content from another course

Copy to New Course

If you'd like to create a new course and start by copying content from an existing course:

  1. Create a new course
  2. Visit the Curriculum tab
  3. Select Copy from
  4. Select a course
  5. Select the lessons
  6. Click Import

Your lesson content will be imported into your new course and you'll be redirected back to the Curriculum tab.

Copy to Existing Course

To copy lessons from one existing course to another, visit the Curriculum tab and select the Import content option at the top:


Duplicate a lesson or section

To duplicate a lesson or section:

  1. Click the More Options icon (i.e., the three dots) next to the lesson or section.
  2. Click Duplicate lesson or Duplicate section.
  3. Edit the name of the lesson or section and click Save.

Publish or unpublish a lesson

Unpublished lessons in a course—or Drafts—will not appear to students working through the curriculum. Students will only be able to access lessons that have been published. Similarly, if all lessons within a section are unpublished, the section will not appear to students.

To publish an individual lesson, click the Publish button. To unpublish, click the Published button again. Click the Unpublish option from the dropdown menu.


You can also use Quick actions to publish or unpublish all lessons in a section at the same time.

To publish all lessons, click the Quick actions button next to the specific section and click Publish all in the dropdown menu. To unpublish all lessons, click the Quick actions button again and click Unpublish all in the dropdown menu.


If you would like to make sections available to students on a specific schedule, set up a drip schedule for your content.

NOTE: For a course to be available for enrollment and/or listed in your course directory, you also need to adjust the publish and product visibility settings on the course Information tab. Learn more about publishing and product visibility.

Public previews for lessons

CAUTION: Any content included in public previews will be accessible and searchable on search engines, including lesson material and student comments.

When a lesson is published, it is only available for students who have enrolled in the course through a free or paid pricing plan. However, in some cases, you may choose to offer a lesson or section as free to the public without enrolling in the course.

To mark a lesson as a public preview:

  1. Click the More Options icon (i.e., the three dots).
  2. Click Set as public preview. A note will appear next to the lesson to mark that it is publicly available.
  3. To remove this option, click the More Options icon again and click Unset as public preview.

You can also use Quick actions to set all lessons in a section as public previews at the same time.

Click the Quick actions button next to the specific section and click Set public preview for all in the dropdown menu. To remove public access, click the Quick actions button again and click Unset public preview for all in the dropdown menu.


Student experience

For potential students to view public preview content, you should add a curriculum block to your course sales page. Then, when the student is viewing the sales page, they can click the Preview button next to the lesson to view the content:


Reorder sections and lessons

You can reorder sections and lessons at any time. You can reorder entire sections, adjust lesson order within the same section, or even move a lesson from one section to another.

To reorder any lesson or section:

  1. Find the drag and drop icon (i.e., the six dots) next to the lesson or section name.
  2. Click and drag the lesson or section to the desired location in your curriculum.

Bulk upload lessons

If you already have lesson materials created (e.g. PDFs, videos, images, etc), you can bulk upload your files to your course in one action. This can help you save time as you set up and format your course.

NOTE: This feature is only available on Teachable paid plans (i.e., the Basic plan and up).

To bulk upload lessons:

  1. Click the Bulk upload button.
  2. In the upload window, drag and drop or select the file(s) you want to upload to your course and click Upload.

Please note that each uploaded file will become its own lesson. As a result, we recommend using file names that are appropriate for your lesson. For example, if you are uploading 5 PDF files on making ice cream, make sure that each file is named after its respective lesson (e.g. “Lesson 1 - Why should I make ice cream?”). Bulk uploaded content is automatically added in alphabetical order.

CAUTION: Avoid using special characters in your document or video file name when bulk uploading as it may cause issues. Instead, use letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.

Delete lessons

To delete an individual section or lesson:,

  1. Click the More Options icon (i.e., the three dots) next to the specific lesson you want to delete.
  2. From the drop down menu, click Delete lesson.
  3. Click Delete to confirm. Please note that this action is permanent and cannot be undone.

To delete multiple lessons or sections at one time, view the bulk actions options below.

Bulk edit sections and lessons

Within your curriculum, you can take actions that effect multiple sections. These actions include:

  • Publish selection (i.e., checkmark icon)
  • Set/unset selection as public preview (i.e., world icon)
  • Rename selection (i.e., pencil icon)
  • Delete selection (i.e., trashcan icon)


To make a bulk edit to your curriculum:

  1. Click the Bulk edit button.
  2. Select the lessons and/or sections you want to edit. Please note any selected action will effect all selected.
  3. Click the icon to the corresponding action described above.
  4. To clear the selected lessons and sections, click Clear selection.
  5. When finished, click Done
    bulk actions in lessons.gif

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