This article details how you can set up gifting options for products in your school. It also shows the student experience during checkout.
Creators can offer the option for users to purchase a product on behalf of another person. This option sends an invitation directly to the individual to sign up and access the gifted product. Gifting is available for all product types with a one-time purchase payment option.
Allow product gifting
To turn on the gifting option for your products:
- Navigate to the Settings > General area of your school admin.
- Under the Website tab, scroll down to Checkout settings.
- Toggle ON the "Show 'Send as a gift' option at checkout".
Anyone who visits a checkout page for your available products will see the option as a checkbox at checkout. This option is only applicable to one-time purchases.
Customize gifting
You can make adjustments to both the checkout page and email sent regarding a gifted product at any time.
To make changes to your checkout page, navigate to Site > Custom Text and update the language under Checkout.
To make changes to the gifting email, navigate to Emails > Template Editor and make updates to the Gift template.
Gifting experience
When a user reaches the checkout page of a product, they will see a checkbox with the option to purchase the product as a gift. From there, they can fill in the name and email of the person receiving the product.
Once checkout is completed, an email is automatically sent to the person receiving the gift with information on how to sign up for your school and gain access to the gifted product.
Frequently asked questions
Can I schedule a gift?
Gift scheduling is not yet available. When a purchaser completes a gift transaction, the gift will immediately be sent to the recipient. We intend to follow up with scheduling functionality in the near future.
What happens if the purchaser puts in the wrong email for the recipient?
In the event that a purchaser enters an incorrect email address and completes the gifting transaction, we recommend that the transaction be refunded and the purchaser try the purchase again with the correct email address.
If the wrong email is entered at checkout, could a random person create an account?
As a school owner, you receive notification of all individuals that enroll in your school. Should the incorrect recipient of a gift redeem that gift and create an account, we recommend you remove that user from your school, by going into the ‘Users’ tab and deleting the user.
What happens to the recipient’s gift in the event that the purchaser requests a refund?
Any refunds made to the purchaser will not impact the gift recipient’s access to that product. If you wish to remove the gift recipient from a product that they have received, you can manage the recipient’s enrolled products from the ‘Users’ tab.
Can someone buy more than one gift?
There is no limit to the number of gifts a purchaser can buy. Purchases can only be made one at a time, but a purchaser can return to the checkout page as many times as they wish to make a gift purchase.