General Settings

This article gives you an overview of how to modify your school's general settings, change your school status to online or offline, and/or delete your school.


To adjust your school's general settings, navigate to the Settings > General section of your school admin. In this section, there are two main tabs:

  • Website - adjust settings that affect your overall school (such as basic school information, branding, security, privacy, and account settings).
  • Courses - adjust settings that are specific to courses within your school (such as lesson settings, course comment options, and course event tracking).

global settings website or courses.png

School Status

From the Settings > General > Website menu, you can change the status of your school from online to offline at any time. If you take your school offline, it will become inaccessible to visitors and students. Learn more about changing your school's online status.

school status section settings.png

CAUTION: Taking your school offline does not cancel active student payment plans or subscriptions. You can cancel any remaining active plans and subscriptions within the Users area of your school's admin.

Basic school information

From the Settings > General > Website tab, you can set up or adjust basic school information, including:

  • School Name - The name that will appear across your site.
  • Business Name - Your business name, if different from your school name. If you add a business name, this will appear on student receipts beneath your school name.
  • Reply To Email - The email address that any reply to an email sent through Teachable will go to.
  • Email sender name - The sender name that will appear in your email recipients inboxes.
  • Mailing address - Your school's mailing address. Please note that Teachable requires your school's physical mailing address for tax reporting purposes and to ensure that your payments arrive in a timely manner. Teachable will never share your private information with 3rd-party vendors and your mailing address will not display anywhere on your school. However, if you are using custom payment gateways, then your school's mailing address will appear on student receipts.

To edit any of the above fields:

  1. Click the Edit button next to the field you want to edit.
  2. In the popup window, enter in your updated information in the appropriate fields.
  3. Click Save.


Homepage settings

Schools that have created their homepage on Page Editor 1.0 can edit their homepage headline and description from the Settings > General > Website tab. If you have a homepage created with Page Editor 2.0, you will not have this section and can edit your homepage details directly on the homepage page editor.

In the Homepage settings section, you can edit:

  • Homepage Heading - Your school’s tagline; this appears only on the homepage.
  • Homepage Description - Your school’s description; this appears below the heading.

To edit any of the above fields:

  1. Click the Edit button next to the field you want to edit.
  2. In the popup window, enter in your updated information in the appropriate fields.
  3. Click Save.


Security and privacy settings

From the Settings > General > Website tab, you can toggle settings related to your school’s security and privacy, including:

  • Anonymize IPs for Google Analytics - Masks IP addresses sent to Google Analytics for data privacy.
  • Add reCAPTCHA - reCAPTCHA is a Google service integrated with Teachable that requires users to verify that they are human. reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site. It does this while letting your valid users pass through with ease.


Login & sign-up settings

In the Login & sign-up settings section (located in Settings > General > Website), you can enable Teachable Accounts and/or Google Accounts for your school users by pressing the Enable button next to the account type.

Similarly, you can disable Teachable Accounts and/or Google Accounts for your school users by clicking the Disable button.


If you choose to disable Teachable Accounts and/or Google Accounts after you have already launched your school, we recommend you treat this option with caution, as it is likely to create confusion for your students who have been accessing the school with these accounts. Keep the following potential issues in mind:

  • For Teachable Accounts users, your school will no longer show up in a student’s Teachable Account dashboard.
  • For Teachable Accounts users, your school will no longer be available on the Teachable iOS app.
  • Students who have Teachable and/ or Google Accounts will receive automated emails notifying them of this change. Additionally, they will receive an email to create a password within your school in order to regain access.
  • If a student is in the middle of a purchase at your school when you disable, the purchase may not be completed.

Delete school

To delete your school permanently:

  1. Navigate to the bottom of the Settings > General > Website tab of your admin settings.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Delete School button.
  3. In the popup window, enter your school's URL in the text box.
  4. Click Delete School.


CAUTION: Deleting your school is a permanent action. Once your school is deleted, it cannot be restored, so make sure to save and/or export important school data, including user information, transaction reports, etc.

NOTE: If you would like to request for the deletion of your personal information, please email us at from the email address associated with your account. For more information, see Delete Your School or Account.

Lesson settings

From the Settings > General > Courses tab, you can toggle settings related to your school’s lesson settings, including:

  • Auto-complete lessons - Automatically marks the lesson as complete when a student finishes the last video.
  • Autoplay videos - Automatically begin playing the first video when a student enters the lesson.


Comment settings

From the Settings > General > Courses tab, you can toggle settings related to your course comment settings, including:

  • Enable comment moderation - When toggled on, comments will need school owner approval before appearing on lessons.
  • Allow multi-level threading of responses - When toggled on, users can respond directly to a comment, with responses appearing a level beneath the original comment.
  • Enable comments attachments - When toggled on, users can attach an image file to their comments.


Course event tracking settings

From the Settings > General > Courses tab, you can toggle settings related to your course integration settings, including:

  • Course events tracking - prevent or allow your school to send events related to your students’ course activity to your integrated analytics services (such as Google Analytics).


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