Custom Text


This article goes over how to modify the default text on buttons, navigation links, notifications, etc. that appear in your school. Customizing default text allows school owners to personalize their school or translate their school into another language.

Customize Default Text

To modify the default text that appears in your school, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Teachable school.
  2. Choose Site from the admin sidebar.
  3. Select Custom Text.
  4. Use the Filters tool to select the section you with to edit.

    TIP: You can also use the search box tool (Cmd+F on Mac and Ctrl+F on PC) to locate a specific word or phrase.

  5. Input your desired text in the Current field.
  6. Click Save in the top right corner.

Custom Text Modification Options

Here, you'll find a number of sections that represent different parts of your site. By changing the text in the Current field and clicking Save, you can modify the text that is displayed to your users. The Default field displays what was originally shown.

TIP: Modify the custom text fields to translate your school to a language other than English.

The custom text sections are as follows:

  • Header - Text that appears at the top of your school, including the navigation bar, login button, sign up button, etc.
  • Footer - Text that appears at the bottom of your school, including a contact link and copyright notice.
  • Checkout - Text that appears on the checkout page, where students enter payment information, add coupon codes, etc.
  • Creator Checkout - Text that appears for creators when confirming your device.
  • Courses - Text that appears in the course directory and course sales pages.
  • Lectures - Text that appears in course lectures
  • Referral Program - Text that appears on assets related to the student referral program feature.
  • Creator Product - Text that appears for coaching products.
  • Comments - Text that appears in the comments section of a lecture and in your school admin.
  • Product Collection - Text that appears for bundled products.
  • Common - Text that appears in various areas across your school, including course enrollment buttons, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, etc.
  • Homepage - Text that appears on the homepage of your school.
  • Error Pages - Text that appears in messages for 404 not found pages, unpublished lectures, forbidden actions, and other errors.
  • Accounts - Text that appears when a user signs up for a new account in your school, logs in to their existing account, or resets their password.
  • Teachable Account Convert Modal - Text that appears in the modal that displays when students are prompted to convert their school account to a Teachable Account.
  • Manage Subscriptions - Text that appears when a student manages or cancels their course subscriptions.
  • Credit Card - Text that appears when a student manages, updates, or deletes the card they have on file.
  • Edit Profile - Text that appears when a student updates their profile, confirms their email address, or uses their Teachable account.
  • Emails - Text that appears in emails sent from your Teachable school, including password reset, purchase and enrollment emails.
  • Email Receipts - Text that appears in the email receipts automatically sent to students when they purchase a course.
  • Email Subjects - Text that appears in the subject lines of emails.
  • Confirmations - Text that appears in the confirmation emails sent to students.
  • Passwords - Text that appears in messages regarding password changes.
  • Failure - Text that appears when a user attempts an unsuccessful action, such as logging in with incorrect credentials or failing to confirm their email address prior to their login attempt.
  • Registrations - Text that appears in messages related to account registration, updated details, and canceled accounts.
  • Card Decline Reasons - Text that appears in messages on the checkout page when a card is declined.
  • Sessions - Text that appears in messages to users who have successfully signed in or out.
  • Quiz - Text that appears in messages that display in a lecture quiz.
  • Contact - Text that appears in the contact form for students.

NOTE: To edit the content of email notifications sent to users, you can use the email template editor.

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