Transaction History and Reports

This article shows you how to access, understand, and export your school’s transaction reports.

Transaction History

School owners can access their transaction history—and view all transactions processed by teachable:pay, the Monthly Payment Gateway, or custom payment gatewaysin their school admin area.

NOTE: Teachable uses UTC to calculate when a transaction is placed. For example, transactions made at approximately 10 p.m. ET (US Eastern Time) on January 31st counts in our system as taking place early morning on February 1 in UTC. You can compare time zones here.

To access your school’s transaction history, complete these steps:

  1. Log in to your Teachable school.
  2. Click Sales.
  3. Select Transactions.

An overview of your school’s transaction history displays at the top of the Transactions screen and contains the following information:

  • Total Sales - The total amount of sales in USD.
  • My Earnings - The total amount (in USD) earned by the school once transaction fees and author/affiliate commissions have been deducted from the net revenue of the sale.
  • Affiliate Earnings - The total amount of commission earned by affiliates in your school.
  • Refunds - The total amount of refunds issued in USD.
  • Chargebacks - The total number of disputes issued by students in your school.


Further details about your school’s transaction history display below the overview section and contain the following details:

  • Date - The day of the week, day of the month, and time (your local time) at which the transaction took place.
  • Student - The name of the student who purchased the course.
  • Product - The name of the product (course, coaching, or bundle), purchased by the student.
  • Offer type - Lists if a purchase was made as an order bump, upsell, or student referral. If blank, the purchase was not a specific offer type.
  • Coupon - The coupon code applied to the sale, if applicable.
  • Affiliate - The name of the affiliate attributed to the sale, if applicable.
  • Sale price - The listed price of the product.
  • Earnings (USD) - The total amount (in USD) earned by the school after transaction fees and author/affiliate commissions have been deducted. This column also displays events that affect earnings, such as refunds or chargebacks.

Transaction Report Filters

You can apply the following filters to sort your transaction data:

  • Date Range - The duration of time that data is pulled from
  • Product - The name of the product (course, coaching, or bundle) purchased.
  • Author - The name of the author associated with the course purchased.
  • Affiliate - The name of the affiliate associated with the course purchased.
  • Student - The name of the student who purchased the course.
  • Coupon - The coupon code used to purchase the course.
  • Pricing Plan - The name of the pricing plan purchased by the student.
  • Plan Type - The type of pricing plan purchased by the student.
  • Earnings Amount - The total amount in USD earned by the school.
  • Fully Refunded - The transaction was fully refunded.
  • Payment Method - Filter if the transaction was made via credit card, PayPal, or Buy Now Pay Later.
  • Payment Gateway - The payment gateway through which the transaction was processed. 
  • Chargeback - The transaction was disputed by the student.
  • Failed Payment - The transaction was not processed because the transaction failed. Some common reasons for failure include a student having insufficient funds, or the bank declining the transaction.
  • Potential Fraud - Filter for transactions tagged as potentially fraudulent
  • Offer Type - Sort if the transaction was purchased as either an order bump, upsell, or student referral.

Transaction Breakdown

Primary owners can also view a breakdown of their school’s transaction history by day or month. To view your transaction breakdown, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Sales.
  2. Select Breakdown from the admin sidebar.

    You can view your transaction breakdowns by day:

    Or by month:

In each breakdown view, you can view the following information

  • # Sales - The number of sales made that day or month.
  • Sales Price (Total) - The total amount charged to the purchaser.
  • Affiliate Fees - The total amount of affiliate commission deducted from the sales price.
  • Author Revenue Share - The total amount of author revenue deducted from the transaction’s earnings.
  • Earnings (USD) - The total amount of earnings in USD paid out to the primary owner after fees, commissions, and revenue shares are deducted.

Transaction Details

To view more details about a specific transaction, click on the individual transaction in the Transactions section.


You can then view the Summary of buyer details, delivery address, transaction and payout dates, and related pricing information.


If the transaction has been refunded, then you'll see a Refund section:


You can also view the Payment Breakdown, which provides more transaction details, including fees, taxes, and the total amount earned by your school from the transaction:


The transaction is broken down into the following, in order:

  • Listed Price - The sales price of your course.
  • Coupon - The amount deducted from the sales price if a coupon is applied.
  • Tax - The amount of tax charged based on the purchaser's location, if applicable.
  • Amount Refunded - The amount returned to the student in the case of a refund.
  • Amount Charged via Stripe/PayPal - The total amount charged to the purchaser via Stripe or PayPal.
  • Affiliate Fee - The total amount of affiliate commission, if applicable. The affiliate fee is deducted from the total transaction earnings (i.e., the amount charged minus taxes).
  • Credit Card/PayPal Fee - The total amount of credit card/PayPal fees. These processing fees are calculated based on the total amount charged.
  • Teachable Fixed Fee - This is only applicable to users on our free plan. It is a $1 fixed fee on all transactions.
  • Teachable Transaction Fee - The total amount of transaction fees deducted from the transaction by Teachable, if applicable. The transaction fee percentage is calculated on the total transaction earnings (amount charged before taxes) minus credit card/PayPal fees.
  • Teachable BackOffice - BackOffice is an optional service. If enabled, there is a 2% fee on the transaction. The BackOffice fee percentage is calculated on the total transaction earnings (amount charged before taxes) minus credit card/PayPal fees.
  • Author Fee - The total amount of author commission deducted, if applicable. The author fee percentage is calculated on the total transaction earnings (amount charged before taxes) minus credit card/PayPal fees, Teachable/BackOffice fees, and affiliate fees.
  • Estimated School Earnings - The total amount of earnings paid out to the school after fees and commissions are deducted.
  • Reserves (teachable:pay only) - The total amount that has been held to account for refunds, chargebacks, and fraudulent charges. Reserves are calculated based on the estimated school earnings and are paid out to the school 45 days after the transaction.

For more detailed information on Teachable transaction fees, please refer to our Knowledge Base guides for each payment gateway:

Upsell Reports (Pro Plan and Up)

Upsell transaction reports allow school owners to see how their post-purchase upsells are performing—for more information on creating an upsell, take a look at the this article on customizing your Thank You page.

To access your upsell transaction reports, go to your Admin page and click the Sales tab. From there, click Upsells in the sidebar. The following data is recorded in upsell transaction reports:

  • From Course - The page where the upsell offer is located. Upsell offers are only available on a course's Thank You Page.
  • To Course - The name of the course offered as a upsell.
  • Number of Purchases - The number of times the upsell offer has been accepted/the number of times the upsell has been offered.
  • Conversion Rate - The percentage of users who accepted the upsell offer after purchasing the original course.
  • Total Revenue - The total amount of revenue the upsell offer has generated.

Export a Transaction Report

School owners can export a CSV of their transaction reports by clicking on the Export CSV button in their Transactions section:


Once the CSV exports, the primary owner will receive an email containing a downloadable copy of the CSV, which can then be opened using programs like Excel, Numbers, etc. The CSV will contain the following data:

  • Purchased At - The date of the transaction in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • ID - The transaction ID that is contained in the URL of the transaction in the school admin (e.g.,
  • User ID - The ID number of the purchaser in your school (e.g.,
  • User - The name of the purchaser.
  • User Email - The email address of the purchaser.
  • User Business Name - The name of the business associated with the purchase, if added by the purchaser on the checkout page.
  • Pricing Plan - The name of the pricing plan purchased (e.g., All-Access Membership Subscription)
  • Product Name - The name of the product purchased.
  • Offer Type - The type of offer purchased. If the transaction was an order bump, upsell, or student referral the column will reflect this. If blank, the transaction was a regular purchase.
  • Final Price - The price of the course at the time of purchase.
  • US Tax Fees - The total amount of US sales tax charged on the transaction, if applicable.
  • Non-US Tax Fees - The total amount of non-US sales tax charged on a transaction, if applicable. 
  • Taxes Fully Refunded - When applicable, the total amount of Non US tax charged on a transaction
  • Tax ID - Tax ID of the purchaser, if entered at checkout.
  • Net Charge USD - The total amount in USD charged, including tax, if applicable.
  • Net Product Charge USD - The final price of the course including refunds, if applicable.
  • Amount Refunded - The total amount refunded to the student, if applicable.
  • Refunded At - The date that the refund was issued.
  • Net Revenue USD - The total amount (in USD) of revenue generated from the transaction.
  • Author Fees - The total amount of revenue share earned by the author from the sale.
  • Affiliate Fees - The total amount of commission earned by the affiliate from the sale.
  • Earnings USD - The total amount (in USD) earned by the school once transaction fees and author/affiliate commissions have been deducted from the net revenue of the sale.
  • Method - The payment gateway that processed the transaction (Stripe/PayPal).
  • Custom Gateway - The custom gateway used to process the transaction, if applicable.
  • Coupon - The coupon code applied to the sale, if applicable.
  • Is Chargeback - The status of the transaction, if the transaction is disputed and funds have been returned to the purchaser.
  • Charged Back At - The date the chargeback was issued by the purchaser.
  • Affiliate Email - The email address of the affiliate attributed to the sale, if applicable.
  • Charge Country - The country associated with the purchaser’s credit card or PayPal account.
  • Sale ID - The purchase ID made at checkout.
  • Author Email - The email address of the assigned author of the product.
  • Zip Codes - The postal code associated with the purchaser’s credit card or PayPal account.
  • Billing Address & Delivery Address - Includes fields for address lines, city, state, zip code, and country as collected on the checkout page.

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