Earnings Statements

Earnings statements allow school owners to view more information about their school’s earnings and payouts, including the status of a payout, author and affiliate earnings, and more. This article goes over how to access your school’s earnings statements and outlines the information available in earning statements.


School owners can view a month's earnings statement 20 days after the end of the month by going to Sales > Statements. Individual earnings statements can be viewed in the Statements section of a user’s profile.

You can use earnings statements to view more details about refunds, chargebacks, and other instances that may affect the total amount of earnings paid out to a user. 

NOTE: Monthly Payment Gateway/teachable:pay earnings for affiliates and authors will not be calculated if BackOffice is disabled. Alternatively, calculating Affiliate/Author payouts may be easier by exporting the CSV.

Access Your Earnings Statements

To access earnings statements for your school, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Teachable school.
  2. Click Sales in the admin sidebar. Then, click Statements in the Sales sidebar.
  3. If earnings statements are available, you can click on the Payee's name to access a more detailed report of the individual earnings statement.

To access an individual user's earnings statements, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Users in the admin sidebar.
  2. Select the desired user menu and then click on the individual user’s profile.
  3. Select Statements in the user profile sidebar.
  4. Click on the individual statement to view more details.admin-users-affiliate-user-profile-statements-individual-statement.gif

School Earnings Statements

When you view all of the statements for your school in the Sales > Statement section of your school admin, you can view a summary of your school’s statements that contain the following information:

  • Period - The month and year in which the payout was released to the payee.
  • Statement ID - The unique ID number of the statement.
  • Payee - The user to whom the payout was released.
  • Payout Status -The current state of the payout.
    • Failed - The payout has failed and the funds have not been received by the payee.
    • Pending - The payout is currently processing and will be available to the payee shortly.
    • Fully Paid - The payout has been successfully received by the payee.
  • Earnings (USD) - The amount the payee earned in US dollars.


To make searching through your earnings statements easier, use filters to search through earnings statements by payout method, amount, type, date period, payment gateway, statement ID, username, or user email.admin-sales-statements-overview-search-field.gif

Individual Earnings Statements

After clicking on an individual statement in the Statements section, you can view more details about the transactions associated with the earnings statement. Each individual statement contains three sections—Summary, Transaction List, and Payouts—which are outlined in further detail below:


This section provides an overview of the earnings statement.admin-sales-statements-individual-statement-summary.png

  • Payee - The user to whom the payout was released to.
  • Payout Method - The method through which the payout was released to the payee (e.g. PayPal).
  • Payout Status - The current state of the payout.
    • Failed - The payout has failed and the funds have not been received by the payee.
    • Pending - The payout is currently processing and will be available to the payee shortly.
    • Fully Paid - The payout has been successfully received by the payee.
  • Statement Period - The period of time that the statement covers.
  • Total Amount - The total amount of earnings in USD generated during the statement period.

Transaction List

This section shows all of the transactions that took place during the statement period for which the payee has received earnings. Any sale processed using a custom payment gateway is not reflected in this section, as they are processed by a third-party.admin-sales-statements-individual-statement-transaction-list.png

  • Date - The date when the transaction took place.
  • Type - This refers to the type of the transaction, which includes:
    • Earnings - The transaction generated earnings for the payee.
    • Refund - The transaction was refunded. Depending on whether or not the refund was full or partial, this may result in no earnings for the payee.
    • Chargeback - The transaction was charged back by the student due to a dispute with their bank.
    • Reconciliation - The earnings have been adjusted by Teachable. In the rare occasion when a payout must be adjusted, Teachable will contact the payee beforehand.
  • Transaction ID - The unique ID number of the transaction.
  • Earnings (USD) - The total amount of earnings in USD generated by the transaction.


This section details any payout processed through Teachable Payments or the Monthly Payment Gateway. Any sale through a custom payment gateway is processed by a third-party (i.e. Stripe and/or PayPal), and is not reflected in this section. For example, if you have set up both Stripe and PayPal as custom payment gateways, then this section will not appear in your earnings statements.admin-sales-statements-individual-statements-payouts.png

  • Date - The date when the payout was sent by Teachable (i.e. the first business day of the month).
  • Payout Method - The method through which the payout was sent (i.e. PayPal).
  • Status - The current state of the payout.
    • Failed - The payout has failed and the funds have not been received by the payee.
    • Pending - The payout is currently processing and will be available to the payee shortly.
    • Fully Paid - The payout has been successfully received by the payee.
  • Amount (USD) - The total amount of earnings in US dollars paid out to the payee.

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