Drip Content


This article goes over how to use the Drip feature to release curriculum sections on a set schedule. Drip is available for schools on the Basic plan or higher.


With Drip, you can choose to release your published curriculum sections either on a specific date, or a specific number of days after a student enrolls. This means that a student will not be able to access certain sections of your curriculum until it has been "dripped" to them.

Drip by date

To set up a Drip schedule by a specific date:

  1. Select a specific Course from your list of course products.
  2. Inside the individual course, click Curriculum in the submenu.
  3. Locate the section(s) to be released on a specific date. Click Drip at the top of the section.
  4. From the panel, use the Drip Options dropdown menu to select Specific date.
  5. Under Drip Options, use the dropdown calendar to Choose a date. Note that this date must be at least 48 hours ahead of the current date. 
  6. Click Save when complete.
    drip by date - curriculum.png

Drip by days after enrollment

When setting up a drip schedule by days after enrollment, the drip content is released to students based on the date they first enrolled in your course.

To set up a Drip schedule by days after enrollment:

  1. Select a specific Course from your list of course products.
  2. Inside the individual course, click Curriculum in the submenu.
  3. Locate the section(s) to be released on a certain number of days after enrollment and click Drip at the top of the section.
  4. From the panel, use the Drip Options dropdown menu to select Days after enrollment.
  5. Under Drip Options, type in the Number of days after the student enrolls
  6. Click Save when complete.
    drip by enrollment days - curriculum.png

Set up email announcements

School owners have the option to set up automatic email notifications that students will receive 15 hours after drip content is released. Drip email announcements must be set and activated at least 48 hours before the intended drip date.

To activate email announcements:

  1. From the Drip panel in Curriculum, navigate to Notify your students and click Compose.
  2. A popup will appear where you can add your Email Subject line and your Email Body text. The email subject must be filled out in order to send drip notifications.
  3. Once your email is finished drafting, click Save.
    compose drip email - curriculum.png

Email metrics like Received, Opened, Clicked, and Bounced are available directly within the Drip panel after saving.

drip email metrics - curriculum.png

Student experience

When a section has not yet been released because of its drip schedule, your students will not be able to access the section. They will see a message letting them know when the section will be available. Any interaction with the section will show it as locked. Once the scheduled drip has occurred, students will have immediate access to all lesson content within the section.


Grant students full access

In cases where you would like to grant an individual student or all enrolled students in drip content prior to the scheduled drip content, you can do so at any time. Once a student is granted full access to your course, they will be able to view all of the course's content and will stop receiving drip email announcements.

Granting full access to an individual student

  1. From the Users area of your admin, select the specific student enrolled in your course.
  2. Click Enrollments from the admin sidebar and scroll down to the Enrollments section.
  3. Click on the Actions button (three dots) next to the course that you want to give the student immediate access to.
  4. Select Grant Full Access from the drop-down menu.

    drip individual full access - users - students.png

Granting full access to all students

To grant full access of a course to all currently enrolled students:

  1. Navigate to the Information > Course Settings tab of the course.
  2. Under Drip settings, click Grant full access.
  3. A popup will ask you to confirm this action. Click Grant full access again. 

    drip grant full access - information.png

To restore the drip schedule of students who have been granted full access to your course, click Restore drip schedule. Students who previously had access to all sections of a course (through the Grant full access button) will be reinserted into the course's drip schedule based on their initial enrollment date. 

Turn off drip

Drip can be turned off by section at any time. When drip is disabled, all content in that section is immediately available to all enrolled students. If you have drip emails scheduled, they will no longer send while drip is turned off. 

To turn off Drip:

  1. From the Drip panel in Curriculum, navigate to Activate drip toggle.
  2. Toggle option Off.
    deactivate drip toggle - curriculum.gif

Frequently asked questions

Can I drip individual lessons?

At this time, drip is released by sections only. If you would like to drip individual lessons, you can create each lesson within its own section. 

When does drip content actually release to students?

Drip content releases at midnight/0:00 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) of the specified date or amount of days after enrollment. Email announcements—if enabled—will be sent out at 3:00PM/15:00 UTC (15 hours after the section drips).

How do I know what UTC I'm in?

A counter is displayed at the bottom of the Drip panel for your current local date and time. If you would like to look up futured dates, you can also use a UTC time converter.

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