Segment and Teachable


This article shows how to integrate Segment, an analytics API, with your Teachable school.

NOTE: Third-party tools exist outside the scope of Teachable Support. This means that we cannot assist with maintenance, customization, or troubleshooting within the tool itself. Moreover, with any changes made within the tool, we cannot ensure it's functionality or full compatibility with current or future versions of Teachable.


Segment is an analytics API (Application Program Interface) that allows you to collect customer data and send it to any analytics or marketing services you use, including:

This means that instead of having to install a bunch of analytics integrations individually, you can install Segment, which will send information to those different integrations for you.

Segment has both free and paid plans. The free plan should be sufficient for your Teachable school.

NOTE: For more general information on tracking analytics, privacy, and Teachable, please review our FAQ.

Set up the integration

To set up the Segment integration in your Teachable school:

  1. Login to your Segment account and set up your sources and integrations (for further instruction on setting up sources, contact Segment’s support team).
  2. Find the Segment API Key for your Segment source by clicking on your Source, and choosing Settings from the navigation. segment settings
  3. Next, click API Keys. segment api keys
  4. Copy the Write Key. copy write key
  5. In a separate window or tab, open up your Teachable school and navigate to the Settings > Apps page.
  6. Click the Segment icon to open up a popup modal.
  7. In the Write Key field, paste the Write Key that you copied in step 4 above.
  8. Click Save to save your changes and close the popup modal.

Disable the integration

If you would like to stop using Segment with your school, you can disable the Segment integration at any time. To do so:

  1. Navigate to the Settings > Apps page of your Teachable school.
  2. Click the Segment icon.
  3. In the popup modal, click the Uninstall app button.

Once uninstalled, you will see a success message at the bottom of the screen indicating that the integration has been uninstalled.


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