Sumo and Teachable


This article goes over integrating Sumo with your Teachable school.


Sumo is a tool for growing your website’s traffic and getting more subscribers by:

  • Helping you build your email lists
  • Showing you where your website visitors are clicking
  • Helping you increase social shares
  • Tracking your Teachable school growth
  • And more

Sumo has both free and paid plans. The free plan comes with all of the tools you’ll need for your Teachable school. 

Set up the integration

Prior to setting up the integration, install the Sumo browser extension. This is only available for Google Chrome. To install, click the Add to Chrome button. Then, click Add Extension on the pop-up window.


Once the browser extension is installed, there are two ways to integrate Sumo with your Teachable school: automatically linking your school to Sumo or manually adding your school to Sumo.

Automatically linking your school to Sumo

  1. Preview your school's Sales Page as a logged out user, or using a different/incognito browser. 
  2. Turn on the Sumo browser extension from your browser extension menu.
  3. In the pop-up that appears, create a Sumo account. We recommend using the same email address that you use for your Teachable school. Select the Sign Up button.
  4. Afterwords, you can choose which Sumo tools you want to use for your Teachable school by clicking the tab on your sales page.

Manually Adding Your School to Sumo

  1. Navigate to the Sumo website and click the Sign Up button in the upper right corner. sumome_signup.png
  2. Fill in your Teachable school URL, your email address, and a password. Click Sign Up
  3. In the following screen, copy your Sumo ID number. Note that this is not the whole script that is provided to you, but a specific numerical value—as highlighted below:sumome_siteID.png
  4. In a separate tab or window, open up your Teachable school and navigate to your school’s Settings > Apps page.
  5. Click the Sumo icon to open up a popup modal.
  6. Take the Sumo ID number (copied in step 3 above) and paste it in the Site ID field on Teachable.
  7. Click Save to save your changes and close the popup modal.
  8. Navigate back to a sales page
  9. Turn on the Sumo browser extension from your browser extension menu.
  10. Afterwords, you can choose which Sumo tools you want to use for your Teachable school by clicking the tab on your sales page.

Disable the integration

If you would like to stop using Sumo with your school, you can disable the Sumo integration at any time. To do so:

  1. Navigate to the Settings > Apps page of your Teachable school.
  2. Click the Sumo icon.
  3. In the popup modal, click the Uninstall app button.

Once uninstalled, you will see a success message at the bottom of the screen indicating that the integration has been uninstalled.


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