School Homepage (Page Editor 1.0)


The homepage is the first page that users see when they visit your school. This article shows how to set up and edit your school’s homepage.

NOTE: If you are using the page editor 2.0 to edit your homepage your experience will differ from the one detailed in this article. Read more about using the page editor 2.0 blocks.

Customize Your Homepage

You can modify your homepage using the homepage editor. To access the homepage editor, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Teachable school.
  2. Click Site.
  3. Select Pages. You will already be on the School Pages tab.
  4. Click the Edit button next to Homepage (the default homepage).

TIP: There are further customizations that you can make to your homepage in other areas of your school admin. To change the text of the homepage heading and description, as well as your school name, navigate to the Settings section of your school admin. To change your school’s default homepage for logged in or logged out users, navigate to the Navigation section. To customize the color of your Homepage Heading & Subtitle, navigate to the Theme section of your school.

You can modify the following blocks in the homepage editor:

Homepage Hero Header Block

In the Homepage Hero Header block, you can set your school header's background and customize your enroll button.

  • Add Background - The image that appears in the background of your homepage. The recommended size for your homepage background image is 1440 x 780 pixels (JPG or PNG).
  • Show Button - When toggled on, the enroll button will display on your homepage.
  • Button Text - The text that displays on the enroll button (e.g. “Enroll Now”).
  • Button URL - The web address where a user is redirected to when they click on the enroll button.

TIP: To customize the text that appears over the homepage banner, edit the Homepage Heading field in your Settings > General menu. 

Here’s an example of the homepage hero header block as it appears on the homepage of a school:


Featured Courses Block

In the Featured Courses block, you can choose to display up to 25 courses. The thumbnail image of each course will appear, along with the title, author, and price of the course.

Courses are ordered based on how you’ve organized your courses in the Courses area.

Other blocks

On the school homepage, you can also add a Rich Text block, Liquid/HTML block, Background Image block, Video Embed block, and Testimonial block. For more information on these blocks and how to add or arrange them on your homepage, please see our Knowledge Base article here

Modify Your Homepage Settings

In the Settings area, you can modify the following homepage settings:


  • Page Title - The title of the page as it displays in a browser tab.
  • Page URL - The URL slug of the homepage’s web address.
  • Blank Template - When toggled on, all school template code is removed from the page.
  • Show Navigation Bar - When toggled on, the navigation bar will appear on the homepage of your school.
    • Colored Navigation Bar - When toggled on, a colored navigation bar will display on the homepage, instead of a transparent navigation bar. The color of the navigation bar is determined by the palette set for Nav Bar & Footer Background in the Theme section of your school.
  • Show Footer - When toggled on, the standard school footer will display on the homepage.

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