Cancel Your Paid School Plan


This article explains how to cancel your paid Teachable school and what happens to schools and students when you cancel.

Overview/Before you cancel

If you decide to cancel your paid school plan, you will be placed on the Free plan. At that time, you will still have access to your entire school and your students will still be enrolled in any products they’ve purchased. However, you will lose access to features only available on paid plans, like course compliance and certificates, which may impact your students. Learn more about available features on Teachable plans.

Please note that only the Primary Owner of a school can cancel the school plan.

Cancel your school plan

NOTE: Before canceling, delete any custom domains you have and make your Teachable domain the primary. This section of the Custom Domains article explains how to do that. Additionally, switch to teachable:pay or the Monthly Payment Gateway if you have a custom payment gateway to prevent disruption in payouts.

To cancel a school plan:

  1. Navigate to your school’s current plan by clicking Settings > Billing.
  2. In the top right corner, click the Manage Plan dropdown button. Click the Cancel Plan button.
  3. You will be shown a popup window describing the features you will lose by canceling. Follow the prompts to confirm your cancellation.

Manage Plan > Cancel Plan.png

If you cancel a paid plan, the cancellation will become effective at the end of the then-current billing cycle.

If you do not see a Cancel Plan button under your current plan, it is possible that you already cancelled your plan. If this is the case, you should see a banner indicating the date your plan will end, as well as an option to resume your subscription.

Additional Resources: 

What creators can access after they cancel

Once you cancel your paid plan:

  • You will lose access to paid plan features, including course compliance, course certificates, custom code, and more.
  • You will still be able to access and edit all your content when you downgrade your plan, however, you will only be able to publish one course at a time. 
  • In all cases, any existing enrolled students will still be able to access their course materials.

If you re-upgrade to a paid plan, you will regain access to paid plan features.

Frequently asked questions

I cancelled my plan by mistake. How do I undo cancellation? 

If you have cancelled a paid school plan, a banner will display at the top of the page indicating the date your plan will end. Click the Resume subscription link on the banner to resume your paid plan. 

resume subscription - teachable plan.png

Why am I still being billed after cancelling?

There are a few reasons why you might still be getting billed after you tried canceling your account. It’s possible that a school has a Teachable subdomain that wasn’t removed, or that you have a duplicate account or multiple schools.

First, if you have any custom domains with Teachable, you must delete them before you can finalize your cancellation. Learn more about deleting custom domains.

Once these steps are done, you can cancel your plan by going to the admin, then Settings > Billing and choosing Cancel Plan under your current plan. Repeat these steps for any additional accounts under other email addresses you may have.

If you are unable to locate the account being charged, please log in and contact Teachable Support. When reaching out, please provide the following information:

  • Date of charge
  • Amount of charge
  • Last 4 digits of card being charged 

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