Tag and Group Users


This article reviews user tags. It goes over how to create and delete user tags, how to apply tags to users in your school, and how to use tags to help you filter and manage groups of students.


User tags allow you to group users in your school by self-made keywords (i.e., tags).

Grouping users in your school by a specific tag allows you to more easily organize, categorize, and manage groups of users in your school. This can be helpful when grouping your students into cohorts. For example, if you want to manage a group of users based on their specific company or other association, you can give that group of users a specific tag.

You can assign as many tags to an individual user as you would like, and tags can be assigned to all user types. You can filter your users list by specific tags, and can then use bulk actions to perform specific actions on that group of users (such as enrolling or unenrolling into a specific course, emailing, or deleting users).

Additionally, you can use tags to filter your course reports in order to segment reporting features by specific cohorts of students.

The screen shows the admin of a sample Teachable school. From the left side navigation menu, the USERS tab is selected, then the TAGS tab is selected from the submenu.

This feature is available on the Pro plan and up.

Create, view, or delete tags

You can create, view, or delete tags in your school from the Users > Tags page.

To create a tag:

  1. Navigate to the Users > Tags page.
  2. Click the Create New Tag button.
  3. In the popup window, fill out the Name of tag field.
  4. Click Create Tag to confirm.

The screen shows the USERS > TAGS page of a Teachable school. The user clicks the CREATE NEW TAG button in the top right corner of the screen. In the popup window, they type JUNE COHORT into the available field, then click CREATE TAG.

NOTE: You can also create tags while assigning them to your users—learn more in the Assign or remove tags from users in bulk section below.

Once created, the new tag will be listed on your Users > Tags page. On this page, you can see a list of all your current tags, the number of users assigned to each tag, and the date each tag was created. To search through your list of tags by specific tag name, use the search bar at the top of the page.

You can also permanently delete a tag. When you delete a tag, it will be unassigned from all users and will no longer be listed in your Users > Tags menu.

To delete a tag:

  1. Navigate to the Users > Tags page.
  2. In the Actions column, click the Delete button next to the tag you would like to delete.
  3. In the popup window, click Permanently Delete Tag to confirm.

From the USERS > TAGS page of a Teachable school, the user clicks the DELETE button next to the JULY COHORT tag. In the popup window, they click the PERMANENTLY DELETE TAG button.

Assign or remove tags from users in bulk

Once you have created a tag, you can then assign it to users in your school.

To assign a tag to users:

  1. Navigate to your Users page. (You can then select the Students, Owners, Authors, Affiliates, or Custom tab, depending on the user type you are looking for.)
  2. Check off the user(s) you would like to add a tag to by clicking the checkbox to the left of their name. To check off all users on the current page, click the top checkbox above the users lists.
  3. Click the Bulk Actions dropdown menu, located at the top of your users list.
  4. Select Add Tag to User(s).
  5. Select an existing tag from the list, or select Create New Tag to make a new one.
  6. Click Add Tag to confirm.

The screen shows the USERS > STUDENTS page of a Teachable school. Two students are checked off, then the BULK ACTIONS dropdown menu is selected, with the ADD TAG TO USER option circled.

Similarly, you can use the bulk actions menu to remove tags. To remove a tag from a user:

  1. Navigate to your Users page. (You can then select the Students, Owners, Authors, Affiliates, or Custom tab, depending on the user type you are looking for.)
  2. Check off the user(s) you would like to remove a tag from by clicking the checkbox to the left of their name. To check off all users on the current page, click the top checkbox above the users lists.
  3. Click the Bulk Actions dropdown menu, located at the top of your users list.
  4. Select Remove Tag from User(s).
  5. Select a tag from the dropdown list.
  6. Click Remove Tag to confirm.

The user checks off a student from the USERS > STUDENTS page. Then, the click the BULK ACTIONS menu and select the REMOVE TAG FROM USER option.

TIP: Learn more about using user bulk actions.

Manage individual users

You can view and remove tags from the individual user level. To see all the tags that are assigned to a specific user:

  1. Navigate to your Users tab.
  2. Click into the specific user’s profile.
  3. From the Information tab, scroll down to the Tags section.

If the user has multiple tags assigned to them, you might need to click the See more button to view the full list of assigned tags.

The screen shows a student profile, with the INFORMATION tab circled from the left-side menu. The TAGS section of the page is circled.

You can also remove a tag from the user by clicking the X next to that specific tag name:

The screen shows a student profile on the INFORMATION page. In the TAGS section, the user clicks the X icon next to the COMPANY ABC tag, then confirms removoal via a popup window.

Filter users and perform bulk actions by tag

Once you have created tags and assigned them to groups of users in your school, you’ll be able to filter through your list of users using those tags.

To filter through your users list by tag(s):

  1. Navigate to your Users tab.
  2. Click the Add Filters dropdown menu at the top of the page.
  3. Select one of the following to filter your users lists by tag:
    1. Has Tag(s) - generate a list of users who have a specific tag
    2. Does Not Have Tag(s) - generate a list of users who do not have a specific tag
  4. In the field next to the applied filter, type in the name of the specific tag.

From the USERS > STUDENTS page, the user checks off two students via the checkbox next to their name. Then, they click the ADD FILTERS dropdown meny at the top of the page and click the HAS TAGS option. In the field next to the HAS TAGS filter, they type JUNE COHORT, the page then loads to show only two students.

TIP: Learn more about filtering your users.

Once you have filtered your users to your desired specifications, you can export a list of those users or perform bulk actions on the group.

When performing bulk actions, you can click the checkbox at the top of the users list to check off all users on the page (and will then be given the option to check off all users if you have multiple pages):

From the USERS > STUDENTS page, the user clicks a checkbox at the top of the students list, which checks off all students on the page.

You can then use the bulk actions menu dropdown to either add/remove tags from the selected users, enroll all selected users in a course, unenroll them from a course, send an email, or delete them.

TIP: Learn more about user bulk actions.

Use tags with course reports

You can use tags to sort your course reports by specific groups or cohorts of students.

To use tags with course reports:

  1. Click the Courses tab from your admin side menu.
  2. Select a specific course.
  3. Click the Reports tab.
  4. Use the drop-down menu at the top of the page to select a specific report type.
  5. In the Filter by tag field, type in or select an existing tag from the dropdown menu.


This will reload the report to only include data for students with the selected tag. Results can be filtered one tag at a time.

NOTE: The tag filter is not available for the Video Stats report.

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