Course Bundled Content

This article goes over an older version of grouping courses together as a bundle. For the updated version of grouping multiple products into a bundled product, learn more about creating bundles or memberships.

Feature access

This feature is only available to schools that match BOTH of the following criteria:

  • School was created prior to 10:00 AM EST on November 18, 2021.
  • The course bundled content feature was used in the school prior to November 30, 2021.

Therefore, if you are a newer school or if you have never used this feature before, you will not have access to this feature. This is a legacy feature and is no longer being updated. Therefore, we encourage all creators who would like to create a bundle to use the new Product Bundles feature instead.

CAUTION: Removing a course bundle from your school is permanent and cannot be undone. Please use the new Product Bundles feature to create new bundle products.


Course bundled content is a way to group multiple courses together that can be sold together at one price. Bundled content is usually discounted from the combined price of the individual courses as a way to encourage sales.

For example, if you have two courses that sell for $30 each, you could put both courses in a bundle which students could purchase for a total of $50. The bundled content combines related courses, and the $10 discount may incentivize students to purchase the bundled content. However, if they still only want to purchase one of the courses, they have the option to do that as well.

Just like individual courses, bundled content can be sold for a one-time fee, on a subscription plan, or on a payment plan.

NOTE: In a bundle, there is the "parent" course and then "child" courses (more on this below). Once you have specified the parent course, you cannot duplicate it or add it to any other bundles. Child courses may be added to as many bundles as you want.

Bundle content

Before you can bundle courses together, you’ll need a “parent” course with the name you’d like the bundled content to have. If you don’t yet have a course with the desired name of your bundled content, create one (it won’t need any lectures of its own).

To bundle the courses together, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Teachable school.
  2. Click the “parent” course (the one with your desired bundle name) in the admin sidebar, or select View All to see all courses in your school.
  3. In the course's admin page, click Bundled contents
    Course bundle view in course admin.png
  4. Select a course from the drop-down menu that you would like to add as part of the bundled deal—repeat as needed. These will be the "child" courses of the bundle.
    Use dropdown to add course to course bundle.png
  5. For students to be able to purchase the bundle, set up pricing options on the Pricing page of the parent course. Now, when students buy this parent course, they will automatically gain access to the other(s) that you bundled. 

NOTE: If students purchase a bundled content—and a new course is added to the parent course after the initial purchase—those students will automatically be granted access to the new course.

When a student enrolls in the parent course of a bundle, they will have access to all included child courses in their My Products tab from the school navigation bar.

From the Bundle Contents menu, bundled courses will be listed in alphabetical order. However, when students view their My Products tab, courses will be listed in the order you place them from your course directory.

Unbundle courses

Remove a course from a course bundle.png

To unbundle a course, scroll down to the bottom of the Bundle Contents area and click trash can icon on the right of the child course(s) you want to remove. Removing all of the courses in a bundle will unbundle the parent course completely (and you'll regain the ability to duplicate it).

Note that if you remove a course from a bundle, any student who has purchased the parent course before the course has been removed will lose access to the removed course. If you re-bundle the same child course to the parent course it was removed from, those students who previously had access to the removed course will regain access.

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