Student Receipts and Invoices

This article goes over what is included on a student receipt and how to resend receipts to your students. If you are looking to find your receipts as a student, navigate to your student profile for your billing information

CAUTION: This article is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors to determine tax, legal or accounting requirements related to your school.

Student Receipts

When a student purchases a product from your Teachable school, they automatically receive an initial purchase receipt via email. If a student purchases a subscription pricing option, then they will automatically receive transaction receipts for subsequent payments.

On Paid Plans, you can preview the Receipt template in the Emails > Template Editor section of your school admin. To open the template, select Students > Receipt from the Select a Template drop-down menu. Once you've opened the template, click the Preview button to view how the template will appear to your students.


Receipts for paid products cannot be disabled. Receipts for free products can be disabled from the Emails > Settings menu.

Depending on which payment gateway processed the transaction, student receipts sent from Teachable may contain the following information:

  • Contact Information- The name of the student who purchased the product, including their email address.
  • Billing Info - The address where the product was purchased. Includes the Business name and Tax ID, if entered at checkout.
  • Delivery Address - The address where the product will be used (may be the same as Billing Info).
  • Order Number - A unique number assigned to the receipt, includes the purchased date and issued date.
  • Purchased Date - The date the student purchased the product and a receipt was sent.
  • Issued Date - Similar to Purchased Date, but can also reflect any receipt re-issued.
  • Payment Method - The method used to purchase the product. If purchased with a credit/debit card, the type and last four digits of their card will appear here along with the Name on Card. If purchased with PayPal, then their PayPal account email address will appear here.
  • Course Name - The name of the course the student purchased.
  • Course ID - The identification number of the course the student purchased.
  • Discount - The coupon code (if applied) to the purchase, along with the discount amount.
  • Tax - The tax rate based on student location (if applicable).
  • Total price - The total amount charged to the purchaser.
  • Provider - The name of your school and link to your school’s URL, including your billing address and Tax ID (if applicable).
  • Supplier - Teachable, as the marketplace facilitator of the product purchase, including Teachable country-specific Tax ID (when available).

Student Invoices

Students can view and download their invoices by logging in to your school, clicking their avatar (top-right) and selecting Purchase History.

Invoices are sent to students in the following countries that purchase through Teachable’s native payment gateways (Monthly Payment Gateway or teachable:pay):

Country Non-Domestic Transaction Domestic Transaction
Canada ⛔️
Kenya ⛔️
Malaysia ⛔️
Moldova ⛔️
New Zealand ⛔️
Quebec, Canada ⛔️
Russia ⛔️
Saudi Arabia ⛔️
Saskatchewan, Canada ⛔️
Singapore ⛔️
*Taiwan ⛔️

Non-domestic = creator does not reside in the same country as the student purchasing products/services.
Domestic = creator resides in the same country as the student purchasing products/services.

*For students in Taiwan, invoices will include an eGUI number. Learn more about Taiwan Cloud Invoicing.

Invoices are sent with Order Summary emails (similar to receipt emails) as PDF attachments.

You can edit your order summary emails just like your receipt emails within the Emails > Template Editor by clicking on the Receipts template.

NOTE: Student invoice PDFs cannot be customized.

Resend a Student Receipt

If your student requests their receipt or invoice again, you can resend the initial purchase document to students at any time in the Summary section of the student’s transaction details by clicking Resend Receipt:


NOTE: The resend receipt button is only available for schools on a paid plan. Students can view and download their receipts in their student account.

To access the summary for a specific purchase, navigate to the Sales > Transaction area of your school’s admin. From there, search and click on the specific transaction in order to view the Summary and resend the receipt or invoice.


TIP: If you click Resend Receipt after you have refunded a student, the resent receipt will reflect the final sale price charged to the student after the refund. This means that if you fully refund a purchase, the total charge on the resent receipt will be $0.

Frequently asked questions

How do I add a student’s tax ID after purchase?

Once a purchase has been completed, there is no way to add a student’s tax ID. Students can request a refund and try the purchase again, making sure to add the Tax ID in the field during checkout.

Read more about the student checkout process.

How do I refund a student?

To refund a student, navigate to the specific transaction within your admin and click the Refund Transaction button. Refund receipts/invoices are automatically sent after completing a refund in your admin.

Read more about the student refund process.

How do I send an invoice to my student that is not on the list above?

If your student is in a country where Teachable does not provide an invoice at purchase, please coordinate with your student to manage additional documentation outside of the platform. You can use the information found in the Payment Breakdown in your admin.

Read more about transaction summaries in your school’s admin.

Why is tax applied to my student’s receipt?

Generally, the country where the student resides determines whether tax should be collected from a student. If tax is collected, it is displayed as a separate line item on the student receipt or order summary.

Learn more about taxes on Teachable.

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