Email Opt-in/Opt-out

This article reviews how users can opt-in or opt-out of school emails and identifies which emails are affected by student opt-in status.


On Teachable, users receive automated emails when completing specific actions or triggering certain events in a school. Additionally, school admin users have the option to send users custom emails through their school.

Some emails can be opted-out of—this means that users can go to their profile settings and “opt out” of receiving email notifications. Other emails cannot be opted-out of—this means that users will receive these emails regardless of their opt-in settings.

To understand which emails can be opted out of, review the Which emails can users opt out of? section below.

NOTE: This article is referring to opting in/out of emails on the school level—and you’ll only receive emails for a specific school if you’ve signed up for a school account. If you are looking to opt out of general marketing emails you receive from Teachable, look for the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email.

How to opt-in or opt-out of emails

When a user first creates an account in a Teachable school, there will be a checkbox that states “Yes, [School Name] can email me with promotions and news. (optional).” This checkbox appears on the checkout page for paid products, or on the sign up page for free products/school sign ups not associated with a purchase:


If the user checks the box, they will be opted-in to receive school emails—this means they will receive all emails.

If the user does not check the box, they will be opted-out of receiving school emails—this means they will only receive certain emails.

All users (this includes students and school admin) can edit their opt-in/opt-out status at any time. To do so:

  1. Log in to the school.
  2. Click your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Click Edit Profile from the dropdown menu.A view of a homepage of a sample Teachable school. In the top right corner, the user's profile icon is selected, and EDIT PROFILE is selected from the dropdown menu.
  4. In the Notifications section, toggle on/off the Receive instructional and promotional emails from [School Name] setting.The EDIT PROFILE page of a user's profile. In the NOTIFICATION SETTINGS section, there is an arrow pointing to the toggle where users can opt in or out of emails.

Additionally, when a user receives an email that can be opted out of, the email will contain an Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email: A screenshot of a coaching milestone email notification, with an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

When a user clicks the unsubscribe link, it will automatically opt them out of future emails (and will therefore turn off the Receive instructional and promotional emails toggle in their profile settings).

Check student opt-in status

School admin can check to see if their students have opted-in or opted-out of receiving email communication. This can help school owners troubleshoot issues with their students—for example, if a student claims they are not receiving certain emails, it might be because they have opted-out of email notifications for the school.

To check your students’ opt-in status:

  1. Navigate to the Users tab of your school.
  2. Select the Students tab.
  3. Check the Email Opt Out column next to each student’s name.
    1. If the column says "Yes," that means that they have opted out and will not receive emails.
    2. If the column says "No," that means they have opted in and will receive emails.

An admin view of a sample Teachable school, with the USERS > STUDENTS tab selected. There is an arrow pointing to the EMAIL OPT OUT column.

You can also export a list of your students by clicking the Export CSV button at the top of the Users > Students page. The exported CSV will contain a column titled Unsubscribe from Marketing Emails. In this column, "TRUE" means that they have opted out and will not receive emails. "FALSE" means they have opted in and will receive emails.

Learn more about exporting a list of your users.

Which emails can users opt out of?

When a user in your school opts out of receiving promotional and instructional emails via their profile settings, they will no longer receive the following emails:

Course comments have their own notification settings—users can select what kind of comment notifications they would like to receive via their user profile.

Additionally, school owners can edit their student notification preferences from the Emails > Settings menu. This means that school owners can turn off certain email notifications for all students, so that they will not receive them regardless of opt-in status. Learn more about student email notifications.

Additional resources

  • Email Users - Learn how to send emails to your students, and view email history for both custom and automated emails sent from your school
  • Email Notifications - Learn how to turn on/off email notifications for automated emails sent to school admin and students.
  • Email Template Editor - Learn how to use the email template editor to customize and adjust the emails that are sent to your students
  • Email Service Providers and Teachable - Learn how to integrate your school with a third-party email marketing service or platform.

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